Despite my insistence in the last post that I would have a
new post up within two weeks- here we are a month later and still not even a
hint of a deep brain stimulation post! I'm starting to realise that trying to
balance blogging with any semblance of regularity, numerous PhD commitments and
life in general isn’t exactly easy. So after finally coming to that realisation
I’ve decided my best bet is to start making more regular but smaller posts,
maybe giving a quick summary of some interesting recent research or pointing
you in the direction of any interesting science-y related article out there in
cyber space. That way I can take a bit more time over the longer posts without
feeling under pressure and hopefully as I gain a bit more confidence and
competence with this writing lark I can make the bigger topic driven posts more
So here are a few things that have caught my eye online in
the past few weeks……